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SEWI 101: Introduction to Social & Emotional Wellness
Section 1: Getting Started
Logistics (0:57)
Welcome & Introductions (1:17)
How We Got Started (1:20)
Course Objectives (0:27)
Mood Meter (5:24)
Section 2: The Basics
Core Competencies (1:01)
Self Management (2:44)
Self-Awareness (0:32)
Responsible Decision-Making (0:58)
Relationship Skills (0:55)
Social Awareness (1:21)
Section 3: The Why
Price of Prevention (1:51)
21st Century Skills (2:02)
Why Social-Emotional Wellness (SEW) (1:31)
Section 4: Connecting The Basics and The Why
"Flipping Your Lid" (6:47)
Strengths Based Approach (9:41)
Positive Discipline (3:48)
Program Structure (5:29)
Curve of Conflict (5:00)
Section 5: Conclusion
Thank You
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